Customer data

Welcome to the online help documentation for ADvance. If you are new to the system, please consider reading the ‘Introduction to ADvance’. This provides a brief overview of ADvance, its core features and its capabilities. A useful first read would be ADvance Glossary of Terms.

Latest resources

A list of text assets available in ADvance for Email, Webpages, PDFs and Metadata

An important part of ADvance is customising the messaging to your customers using text assets. This article documents the assets available and their behaviour.

Browse documentation

Main menus

This help documentation is structured in a similar way to ADvance. It is organised to reflect the tabs and menus used in ADvance and help you browse the documentation to find what you need.

Administrator menus

The general admin menu provides guidance on the admin and configuration features in ADvance. Note that different users can access different areas of ADvance based on their user roles.

Gating and segmentation

These guides explain how to define audience segments to deliver appropriate content and targeted messaging to specific users through Webvision content tools and ADvance user data.

Email and PDF Assets

Default text assets for Email and PDF messages