ADvance New User Documentation

We would strongly recommend that to get the best out of the system and the support team you should familiarize yourself with the main concepts and functions.

We have put together a selection of pages that we consider to be essential reading on our helpsite which is an invaluable reference point for future queries:

ADvance Main Menus

Starting Point

ADvance Main Menus
Do you want to know more about some of the menu items in ADvance? This page covers all of the options available in all menu items.

ADvance Administrator Menus
Guidance on the admin, configuration, and system features available in the administrator menus.

Terminology graphic

ADvance Terminology

ADvance Glossary of Terms
Here you will find a list of terms used within ADvance and a brief description of their purpose and how they relate to the wider system.

Training graphic

Training Sessions

ADvance Training Modules
If you would like some training on ADvance, this story contains a list of all the ADvance training modules available along with information on how long each takes. Please speak to your account director if you are interested in scheduling a training session.