All Webvision content management articles – Page 7

  • User guides

    Manager role tasks

    Some of the functions in Webvision Cloud are managed by users with the ‘manager’ role. These include managing tags, issues, comments, contacts, and departments. 

  • User guides

    Managing tags

    Tags can be optionally added by content creators and editors when adding or editing stories. Managers can review and clean and the tag list as required. 

  • User guides

    A-Z listings

    There are an A-Z listing of bylines and an A-Z listing of categories. These are generated automatically and are helpful to allow search robots to access articles.

  • User guides

    Previous issues page

    If the site is configured to group content in issues, this page is useful for search engines as it provides links to all issues and all stories within the issues.

  • User guides

    Right hand column elements

    In desktop view the right hand column on most templates is the same - providing consistency across the site with a set of three elements. On smaller devices the elements reflow as described in this document.

  • User guides

    Site footer

    The site footer area is part of the site furniture, and appears on all pages.

  • User guides

    Native advertising

    Sponsored articles can be mixed in with editorial articles, but clearly labelled as sponsored or funded. They can be associated with the advertiser or sponsor details by using a special contact type as the article byline.

  • User guides

    User profile and account pages

    Logged in users can create profiles and view and edit their account details. They can also update their newsletter preferences and save stories to their library.

  • User guides

    Contacts page

    The contacts page is used to display contacts grouped by department, with their contact details and optional links to their biography pages.

  • User guides

    UI framework pages and elements

    In addition to the story page and navigation templates, the Webvision Cloud UI framework includes a number of other configurable templates and elements.

  • User guides

    How to search for content, create search queues and copy a story

    Regular searches can be saved as dynamic queues, which can be added to the user’s dashboard for easy access. Stories can be copied for changes to be made, with the original staying Live until the copied version is ready to be substituted.

  • User guides

    Managing your dashboard

    Each Webvision user will be able to set up the content of the central panel of their dashboard/home page to display stories of most interest to them. These stories are displayed in blocks of “queues”.

  • User guides

    Information for all CMS user roles

    This section provides information about logging into the system, managing your home page dashboard, using searches and creating useful queues to track content. 

  • User guides

    Site navigation and landing pages

    Website managers can set up new landing pages easily and have extensive control over the content presented. These documents describe the various content selection and display options available.

  • User guides

    Grid templates, content and layouts

    Easily set up new fully responsive landing pages, populating with dynamic or individually selected stories using a variety of display options.

  • User guides

    Using draft navigation pages

    How to create and preview draft versions of navigation items and activate when approved.

  • User guides

    Megadropdown configuration

    In desktop views, hovering over a top level navigation item will display the subnavigation and optional promoted stories in a megadropdown display.

  • User guides

    Copying navigation items

    How to create a hidden “template” version of a navigation item, and copy it with all its settings as many times as it is needed.

  • User guides

    Creating new SPIN grids

    Create new grids for displaying content without the need for new development work.

  • User guides

    Exporting tables as XML for InDesign

    Tables added using the tab tool in Webvision are treated as tabular data rather than tab-separated items. So to import table content successfully, the InDesign templates need to use this method for displaying tables.