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    User guides

    Enhanced security on Account Pages

    As of the ADvance release V2.0.2 in April 2024, we made a security change to the My Account pages meaning that only users who have validated their email address will be able to access these pages. If they have not previously validated their email address, then they will receive a ...

  • Understanding_ BI
    User guides

    My Insights Dashboard

    My Insights is a series of interactive visual reports that focus on key areas of your user data presented with graphs and trends. It can be accessed on the ADvance dashboard page and reports on your Website Registrations, Live Subscribers, Orders, and Payments. 

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    User guides

    BI Library - Overview

    The BI Library (BIL) is a group of core BI filters that we have identified as helpful for standard selections that are often requested. These include both base BI queries and system BI queries.

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    User guides

    BI Library - Live

    This library of BI queries is based on live data sources such as live orders and subscribers. These queries can be modified by selecting ‘SAVE AS’ on the top right-hand side.

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    User guides

    BI Library - Lapsed

    This library of BI queries is based on lapsed data sources such as orders and subscribers. These queries can be modified by selecting ‘SAVE AS’ on the top right-hand side.

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    User guides

    BI Library - Lists

    This library of system queries has been chosen to enable you to access information from the database that is not accessible to the standard BI tool. These system queries cannot be copied or modified.

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    User guides

    BI Library - Renewals

    This library of BI queries is based on subscriber campaign data sources. Some of these queries can be modified by selecting ‘SAVE AS’ on the top right-hand side, however some of the queries are system queries that provide information not accessible in the standard BI tool and cannot be copied ...